AN ANTHOLOGY OF THOUGHT & EMOTION... Un'antologia di pensieri & emozioni
הידע של אלוהים לא יכול להיות מושגת על ידי המבקשים אותו, אבל רק אלה המבקשים יכול למצוא אותו

Tuesday 9 June 2020

MORALITY by Jonathan Sacks

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks A great book by a distinguished religious leader, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks:


Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times

Saturday 14 March 2020


Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi preparati da Monozigote

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Leonardo da Vinci (incisione di Everard Hansen)
« Grandissimi doni si veggono piovere dagli influssi celesti ne’ corpi umani molte volte naturalmente, e sopra naturali, talvolta, strabocchevolmente accozzarsi in un corpo solo bellezza, grazia e virtù, in una maniera, che dovunque si volge quel tale, ciascuna sua azzione è tanto divina, che lasciandosi dietro tutti gl’altri uomini, manifestamente si fa conoscere per cosa (come ella è) largita da Dio e non acquistata per arte umana. Questo lo videro gli uomini in Lionardo da Vinci. »
(Giorgio VasariLionardo da Vinci)


L'Uomo Vitruviano, disegno a penna e inchiostro su carta (34x24 cm) di Leonardo da Vinci, conservato nel Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe delle Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia

⇒ Premessa
— Parte I
— Parte II
— Parte III
— Parte IV
— Parte V
— Parte VI
⇒ Cronologia essenziale & Gallerie
⇒ Bibliografia & Collegamenti

Aristotele e Maimonide sulla Legge Naturale

Benvenuto nel wikibook:
Connessioni morali ed epistemologiche nell'ebraismo
I edizione 2019
Opera d'arte del Ghetto di Theresienstadt, 1941-1944

« Ora, se davvero ho trovato grazia ai tuoi occhi, ti prego, indicami la tua via, così che io ti conosca. »
(Esodo 33:13)

Vai ai contenuti >>


✡️       HEBRAICA INDEX       ✡️
(in English, Italiano, עברית )
(list at bottom of page)

Non c'è alcun altro

Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi preparati da Monozigote


« Perché dall'est all'ovest si riconosca
che non c'è nessun Dio fuori di me.
Io sono il Signore e non c'è alcun altro.
Io formo la luce e creo le tenebre,
do il benessere, creo l’avversità.
Io, il Signore, compio tutto questo.
(Isaia, 45:6-7)


Mezuzah: "Li scriverai sugli stipiti della tua casa e sulle tue porte" (Deut.6:9)
Mezuzah: "Li scriverai sugli stipiti della tua casa e sulle tue porte" (Deut.6:9)

⇒ Introduzione
— 1 - Dio è Uno
— 2 - Dio è Potenza
— 3 - Dio è Persona
— 4 - Dio è Simpatico
— 5 - Dio è Antipatico
— 6 - Dio Cambia
— 7 - Dio Crea
— 8 - Dio Rivela
— 9 - Dio Redime
⇒ Epilogo
⇒ Appendice: "Perché il popolo ebraico è così piccolo?"(EN)
⇒ Glossario & Bibliografia

Citazioni sono principalmente dal Tanakh (Bibbia ebraica). Sebbene si speri che questo libro venga letto anche da non ebrei, si utilizzano qui termini come "i nostri padri", "i nostri antenati", ecc. per riferirsi a precedenti generazioni ebraiche, oppure "noi/ci" per riferirsi al pensiero ebraico corrente e relative osservanze, presumendo che la maggioranza dei lettori siano ebrei. Inoltre, per rispetto alle eventuali sensibilità di tali lettori, i riferimenti a Dio sono sempre con inizialeMaiuscola e, seguendo lo stile letterario biblico, al genere maschile, per quanto ciò non indichi le preferenze dell'autore (che, se in italiano fosse grammaticalmente possibile, vorrebbe usare il neutro).
Abbreviazioni nel testo: TB = Talmud babilonese; TG = Talmud gerosolimitano


Benvenuto nel wikibook:

Noli me tangere
Il dito nella piaga, ovvero Toccare per credere 
(Insomma, Ti tocco o non Ti tocco?)

Autore: Monozigote

I edizione 2019
Ma se Cristo non è stato risuscitato, vana è la vostra fede.
(1 Corinzi 15:17)

Friday 14 February 2020

Valentine’s Day

"It’s love that guides our feet along the path to joy”

Today is Valentine’s Day, traditionally associated with expressions of love. I wouldn’t normally speak about it because it’s not a Jewish day. Its history goes back to the early Christian martyrs, then the age of chivalry, and through Chaucer to Shakespeare’s Ophelia. It’s a lovely day, just not ours.

But this year I’ve been unusually conscious of the joy that comes through love. It’s just over 50 years since I met, fell in love with and proposed to Elaine, and this year we’ll celebrate our golden wedding. Recently we took our children and grandchildren away for a weekend and on Sunday morning we took a walk together along the Thames.

Then I realised that Elaine and I used to take just this walk when we were first married, and we hadn’t done so since, and I suddenly had an intense experience of being taken back across the years to then, when we were young. At that time, we had no idea where the path was taking us. Then I looked up and came back to the present and saw the figures ahead of us on the path: our children and grandchildren, our joy.

I wondered what had kept us on that path, and instinctively I knew. First, we thanked God for every good thing that happened to us. Social scientists tell us that bad events have four or five times as much impact as good ones. So it’s important to equal the score by celebrating the good.

Second, we find something to praise in each other – something the other one has done – every single day. We learned this, oddly enough, from a speech therapist who taught us that daily praise within a family gives everyone the confidence to change and grow.

And third, forgive. Most of us have much that needs to be forgiven, and how can that happen unless we ourselves are prepared to forgive.

These things became daily rituals. As the American writer David Brooks puts it, commitment is falling in love with someone or something and then building a structure of behaviour around it for the moment when love falters. Tending it daily keeps the flame of love alive.

We have a tradition in Judaism that every weekday Jewish men recite the lovely words of the prophet Hosea. “I will betroth you to me forever.” That is our daily valentine, between us and God, between us and those we love.

And it’s love that guides our feet along the path to joy.

Sunday 26 January 2020

International Holocaust Memorial Day

A message from Rabbi Sacks:

International Holocaust Memorial Day & the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

"Evil happens when people let it happen, and our best defence against it is never to forget where evil leads."

As we approach International Holocaust Memorial Day and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, please take a couple of minutes to watch the video or read the transcript below. May people of all faiths and of none stand together, always remember and never forget.
This video was kindly sponsored in blessed memory of David Jacob Reynolds, Ruth Feinberg Reynolds, Frieda Taub Feinberg, Max Herman Feinberg, Jacob David Reynolds and Sarah Welcher Reynolds.
Time and again the Bible uses the word Zachor / זכור, remember; and that is what we do today, on International Holocaust Memorial Day. We remember the victims of the Holocaust, as well as other victims of the other tragedies human beings have inflicted on one another.

Why is it important to remember? Because memory of the evils of the past is the best way of avoiding evils in the future. We cannot bring the dead back to life, but we can ensure that they did not die in vain. Those who forget may repeat. Those who remember know that we have to find another way.

One of the greatest privileges of my life has been coming to know Holocaust survivors. Most of them lost their families and so they became a family to one another. They helped one another live through the trauma, the loss of all they knew and loved. They had walked, each one of them, through the valley of the shadow of death, yet never have I met people with such a tenacious hold on life.

But what I found most moving was the way in recent years they have shared their memories with others, especially with children, the builders of our future. I can hardly begin to understand the courage it takes to relive the pain of those nightmare years. Yet they have done so, not in hate or bitterness or anger but the opposite. What they’ve wanted to say is: don’t take freedom for granted; cherish it. Don’t take prejudice for granted; challenge it. Don’t stand by in the face of violence and hate; defend the defenceless and show them they are not alone.

Evil happens when people let it happen, and our best defence against it is never to forget where evil leads. That is why International Holocaust Memorial Day was established, and why today, 75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, we remember what once was, and pray for the strength to ensure that never may such things happen again.

The Mutation of Antisemitism

A few years ago, Rabbi Sacks produced a whiteboard animation which explained why antisemitism has returned and how it has mutated over time. To watch this video again or to read a transcript, please click on the image below.


Thursday 16 January 2020

Faith in the Future

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
I re-post here this very important (for me, at least) piece by Rabbi Sacks on

Shemot 5780

Some measure of the radicalism that is introduced into the world by the story of the Exodus can be seen in the sustained mistranslation of the three keywords with which God identified Himself to Moses at the Burning Bush.

At first, He described Himself as follows: “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” But then, after Moses heard the mission he was to be sent on, he said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” That was when God replied, cryptically, Ehyeh asher ehyeh (Ex. 3:14).

This was translated into Greek as ego eimi ho on, and into Latin as ego sum qui sum, meaning ‘I am who I am’, or ‘I am He who is’. The early and medieval Christian theologians all understood the phrase to be speaking about ontology, the metaphysical nature of God’s existence as the ground of all being. It meant that He was ‘Being-itself, timeless, immutable, incorporeal, understood as the subsisting act of all existing’. Augustine defines God as that which does not change and cannot change. Aquinas, continuing the same tradition, reads the Exodus formula as saying that God is ‘true being, that is, being that is eternal, immutable, simple, self-sufficient, and the cause and principal of every creature’.[1]

But this is the God of Aristotle and the philosophers, not the God of Abraham and the Prophets. Ehyeh asher ehyeh means none of these things. It means ‘I will be what, where, or how I will be’. The essential element of the phrase is the dimension omitted by all the early Christian translations, namely the future tense. God is defining Himself as the Lord of history who is about to intervene in an unprecedented way, to liberate a group of slaves from the mightiest empire of the ancient world and lead them on a journey towards liberty. Already in the eleventh century, reacting against the neo-Aristotelianism that he saw creeping into Judaism, Judah Halevi made the point that God introduces Himself at the beginning of the Ten Commandments not by saying, “I am the Lord your God who created heaven and earth,” but rather, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”[2]

Far from being timeless and immutable, God in the Hebrew Bible is active, engaged, in constant dialogue with His people, calling, urging, warning, challenging and forgiving. When Malachi says in the name of God, ‘I the Lord do not change’ (Malachi 3:6), he is not speaking about His essence as pure being, the unmoved mover, but about His moral commitments. God keeps His promises even when His children break theirs. What does not change about God are the covenants He makes with Noah, Abraham and the Israelites at Sinai.

So remote is the God of pure being – the legacy of Plato and Aristotle – that the distance is bridged in Christianity by a figure that has no counterpart in Judaism, the son of God, one person who is both human and Divine. In Judaism we are all both human and Divine, dust of the earth yet breathing God’s breath and bearing God’s image. These are profoundly different theologies.

“I will be what I will be” means that I will enter history and transform it. God was telling Moses that there was no way he or anyone else could know in advance what God was about to do. He told him in general terms that He was about to rescue the Israelites from the hands of the Egyptians and bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey. But as for specifics, Moses and the people would know God not through His essence but through His acts. Therefore, the future tense is key here. They could not know Him until he acted.

He would be a God of surprises. He would do things never seen before, create signs and wonders that would be spoken about for thousands of years. They would set in motion wave after wave of repercussions. People would learn that slavery is not an inevitable condition, that might is not right, that empires are not impregnable, and that a tiny people like the Israelites could do great things if they attached their destiny to heaven. But none of this could be predicted in advance. God was saying to Moses and to the people, You will have to trust Me. The destination to which I am calling you is just beyond the visible horizon.

It is very hard to understand how revolutionary this was. Ancient religions were deeply conservative, designed to show that the existing social hierarchy was inevitable, part of the deep structure of reality, timeless and unchangeable. Just as there was a hierarchy in the heavens, and another within the animal kingdom, so there was a hierarchy in human society. That was order. Anything that challenged it represented chaos. Until Israel appeared on the scene, religion was a way of consecrating the status quo.

That is what the story of Israel would overturn. The greatest empire on earth was about to be overthrown. The most powerless of people – foreigners, slaves – were going to go free. This was not simply a blow to Egypt. Although it would take thousands of years, it was a deadly blow to the very concept of a hierarchical society, or of time as what Plato called it, “a moving image of eternity,” a series of passing shadows on a wall of reality that never changes.

Instead, history became an arena of change. Time became something understood as a narrative, a journey or a quest. All this is hinted at in those three words, “I will be what I will be.” I am the God of the future tense.

So Judaism, in the concept of a Messianic age, became the only civilisation whose golden age is in the future. And throughout the Torah, the promised land lies in the future. Abraham does not acquire it. Nor does Isaac. Nor does Jacob. Even Moses, who spends forty years leading the people there, does not get to enter it. It is always just beyond. Soon but not yet.

I think this is one of the most important ideas of Judaism. I wrote a book about it, called Future Tense.[3] I remember one evening when Elaine and I had the privilege of discussing this with the founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, in his home in Philadelphia. He was toying with a similar idea. After years of practising psychology he had come to the conclusion that the people with a positive psychology tended to be future-oriented, whereas those with a negative mindset – he called this, in a brilliant phrase, “learned helplessness” – were often fixated on the past.

A few years later, he and three other scholars published a book on the subject called Homo Prospectus.[4] What is it, he asked, that makes Homo sapiens different from other species? Answer, we have an unrivalled ability “to be guided by imagining alternatives stretching into the future – prospection.” We are the future-oriented animal.

I wish this were more deeply understood, because it is fundamental. I have long argued that a fallacy dominates the scientific study of humankind. Science searches for causes; a cause always precedes its effect; therefore science will always seek to explain a phenomenon in the present by reference to something that happened in the past – anything from the genome to early childhood experiences to brain chemistry to recent stimuli. It will follow that science will inevitably deny the existence of human freewill. The denial may be soft or hard, gentle or brutal, but it will come. Freedom will be seen as an illusion. The best we can hope for is Karl Marx’s definition of freedom as “consciousness of necessity.”

But this is a fallacy. Human action is always oriented to the future. I put the kettle on because I want a cup of coffee. I work hard because I want to pass the exam. I act to bring about a future that is not yet. Science cannot account for the future because something that hasn’t happened yet cannot be a cause. Therefore there will always be something about intentional human action that science cannot fully explain.

When God said, “I will be what I will be,” He was telling us something not only about God but about us when we are open to God and have faith in His faith in us.

We can be what we will be if we choose the right and the good. And if we fail and fall, we can change because God lifts us and gives us strength.

And if we can change ourselves, then together we can change the world. We cannot end evil and suffering but we can diminish it. We cannot eliminate injustice, but we can fight it. We cannot abolish sickness but we can treat it and search for cures.

Whenever I visit Israel, I find myself awestruck by the way this ancient people in its history-saturated land is one of the most future-oriented nations on earth, constantly searching for new advances in medical, informational, and nano-technology. Israel writes its story in the future tense.

And the future is the sphere of human freedom, because I cannot change yesterday but I can change tomorrow by what I do today. Therefore, because Judaism is a religion of the future it is a religion of human freedom, and because Israel is a future-oriented nation, it remains, in the Middle East, an oasis of freedom in a desert of oppression. Tragically, most of Israel’s enemies are fixated on the past, and as long as they remain so, their people will never find freedom and Israel will never find peace.

I believe that we must honour the past but not live in it. Faith is a revolutionary force. God is calling to us as once He called to Moses, asking us to have faith in the future and then, with His help, to build it.

Shabbat shalom

[1] See the insightful study by Richard Kearney, The God Who May Be: A Hermeneutics of Religion, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2001, pp. 20–38, from which these references are drawn.
[2] Judah Halevi, The Kuzari (Kitab Al Khazari): An Argument for the Faith of Israel, New York, Schocken, 1964, Book I, p. 25.
[3] Jonathan Sacks, Future Tense, Hodder and Stoughton, 2009, especially the last chapter, 231-52.
[4] Martin Seligman, et al., Homo Prospectus, Oxford University Press, 2017.