AN ANTHOLOGY OF THOUGHT & EMOTION... Un'antologia di pensieri & emozioni
הידע של אלוהים לא יכול להיות מושגת על ידי המבקשים אותו, אבל רק אלה המבקשים יכול למצוא אותו

Wednesday 23 November 2022



Kabbalah is the primary form of Jewish mysticism, with esoteric works ranging from ancient to contemporary that aim to shed light on God’s essence, the relationship between God’s eternality and the finite universe, and the inner meaning of the Torah. Central to Kabbalah is the notion that God created the world and interacts with it through ten sefirot, or emanated attributes, and that people can affect God’s actions by influencing the sefirot.



Works of Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, a leading 16th-century kabbalist from Tzfat and teacher of the Arizal.


Works of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, known by his acronym, Ramchal, a prominent 18th-century Italian rabbi, kabbalist, and philosopher.

Arizal and Chaim Vital

Teachings of the 16th-century founder of modern Kabbalah, Rabbi Isaac Luria (known as the “Arizal”), as recorded by his students, most prominently Rabbi Chaim Vital.

Other Kabbalah Works