AN ANTHOLOGY OF THOUGHT & EMOTION... Un'antologia di pensieri & emozioni
הידע של אלוהים לא יכול להיות מושגת על ידי המבקשים אותו, אבל רק אלה המבקשים יכול למצוא אותו

Friday 31 August 2018

Have a nice futile day!

The Myth of Sisyphus
When you think about it, human existence is utterly futile.

Quote (from a futile website):
I often find it humorous how people say that suicide is permanent solution to "temporary problem" when life itself is merely temporary. Everything you do, every objective you attempt to accomplish, absolutely everything you do in life will mean nothing when you die. This is the joke of life. You spend your entire life setting all of these arbitrary goals and objectives to achieve, and yet it means nothing. Most humans simply survive to survive, which is meaningless in itself. Why do you survive to survive? What is the point of simply continuing to exist for the sake of the continuation of existence when you are simply going to perish anyway?

Most humans do not think about these things, because it leads them to be depressed. They would rather go on living in their elaborate delusions that they're life actually means something, then face the crippling reality that everything, and I mean everything, you do is utterly pointless. You will die. You will be forgotten. In a hundred, or even a thousand years of time, there will likely not even be a trace that you ever existed.

Furthermore, there is no God. "God" is a copout people use because they don't want to face the inherent futility of the human existential condition. They reason that even if they can't find the reason behind existence, there is some mystical being that truly knows the reason, and that can endow the universe with some supernaturally ascribed purpose. This is pure delusion. There is no evidence of any supernatural purpose. People cling to this because they simply do not want to face the harsh reality of the inherent futility and absurdity of the human condition.

So, in conclusion, there is no meaning to existence, everything you do is a mere exercise in futility, life is utterly pointless, there is no God, and in a thousand years time you will be completely forgotten and all of your attempts to achieve anything will be erased. Have a nice day.

Sisyphus futile labour