AN ANTHOLOGY OF THOUGHT & EMOTION... Un'antologia di pensieri & emozioni
הידע של אלוהים לא יכול להיות מושגת על ידי המבקשים אותו, אבל רק אלה המבקשים יכול למצוא אותו

Saturday 29 October 2022

We are the music...

I believe that there is some incredible 
mystery about it.
What does life mean: 
firstly coming-to-be,
then finally ceasing-to-be?
We find ourselves here in this wonderful rich andvivid conscious experience and it goes on
through life, but is that the end?...
Is this present life all to finish in death
or can we have hope that there will be
a further meaning to be discovered?
- Karl Popper

The mind of man is capable of anything –because everything is in it,
all the past as well as the future.
- Joseph Conrad

We are the music, while the music lasts.
- T. S. Eliot